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Flying in Good Company

A flight paramedic's perspective on health, aging and air travel

Flying in Good Company

A travel companion's views on health, aging and flying


Welcome to my blog. I am Rudy de Kort. As a registered nurse, flight paramedic and medical travel companion, I have practised my skills in different countries over the years, in a variety of settings like the ICU, CCU, Emergency Department, EMS and air ambulance. In 2019 I started Jet Companion. My team now organizes the transfer of travelers around the world, who need care support or professional assistance while they are on their way.

Jet Companion Blog Thumbnails (4)
The gentleman at the sea: senior relocation to Canada
A medical travel companion is sent from Canada to Guatemala to pick up an elderly expat who needs to be relocated after facing health problems. It happens to be me and I am touched by the story behind...
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What to expect when you hire a medical travel companion for someone with dementia
Many families don’t know they can access specialized dementia care for air travelers. Yet, that is what we do as medical travel companions: take care for of that one passenger who would otherwise stay...
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Booking a wheelchair with the airline? Keep these 8 tips in mind.
Airlines handle wheelchair requests for their passengers on a daily basis. By knowing how it works you can make sure to get exactly the service that you need.
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Five things to expect during 2022’s “Summer of Airport chaos”
What can you expect at the airport and onboard your plane during the summer of 2022? A travel companion discusses airport troubles.
a travel CPAP on a tray table onboard an airplane
Why flying with your CPAP-machine is no big deal
Can I travel with my CPAP machine? A medical travel companion discusses everything you need to know about taking your CPAP on a plane.
Jet Companion Blog - 5 Five Golden Tips Elderly Traveler
5 golden tips when flying with an elderly traveler
Taking a commercial flight with an elderly traveler might be a regular occurrence for some families and caregivers, while others face certain age-related challenges for the first time. I am happy to share...
Jet Companion Blog - Turbulence
Why you shouldn’t sweat it next time your plane hits turbulence
The relationship between flying into turbulence and the severe anxiety, experienced by some passengers is self explanatory. Understandably, if you are a traveler with a fear of flying, a bumpy ride is...
Jet Companion Blog - PA-Booking A Client
Arranging travel support for a client with severe health issues
At my office in Canada, we get calls from personal assistants, executive assistants and travel agents.
Jet Companion Blog-Medical Emergencies
What happens when a passenger has a medical emergency onboard a flight?
The cabin of an airliner, 40,000 feet up in the sky, is a pretty bad spot to suffer a medical emergency. Yet, I can tell you why the vast majority of cases have a happy ending!
Can a bed-ridden person be transported by air?
Some people have compelling reasons to travel, but can’t sit up because of severe pain, discomfort or weakness. They might be unconscious or sedated, or suffering from late stage dementia.